Let’s take the stress out of the admission process — after all, we know you have enough on your mind. Here's where you'll find helpful information and a team that’s ready to assist you any way we can.

A Successful Stay Starts Here
Planning for Admission & Registration at DHR Health
When You Arrive
To make sure you have a smooth admission, please bring these items with you:
- Health Insurance Card(s)
- Photo ID such as a valid driver’s license or passport
- Physician orders – this explains the doctor’s plan of care for you
- A list of prescription medicines – needed whether you’re having inpatient or outpatient care
Personal Items
You won’t have to bring many personal items — we’re happy to supply most of what you need for your stay. You can pack items such as a toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo, a robe and slippers. If you bring dentures or glasses, please put them in containers that are properly labeled.
We work hard to keep our hospital as secure as possible. Still, we strongly suggest you leave anything that’s valuable at home. We cannot be responsible for any money or valuable items that you have in your room.
When You Leave
When you’re ready to leave the hospital, a member of your healthcare team will give you instructions. You may discuss such things as medicines to take, changes to your diet, and follow-up healthcare visits. Often, you’ll be able to take home printed materials as well.
It’s always a privilege to care for you at DHR Health. Yet we’ll be glad to see that you're able to return to your home, family and friends.